Anyway, I watched the video, and there was this one quote that caught my eye. (The one in the pictures) I find that so inspirational, the way its saying, “You have to be able to take what life gives you and not blame others for not being where you could be.” Since ultimately, it’s your life, your choices, and or your fight. No one is really holding you back; no one is hanging on your back not letting you go, it’s up to you to finally say when enough is enough, and get up and away from them so you can move on in life.

I’ve been in situations where You don’t want to lose a friend or someone, because you wonder how will you be YOU without them. That’s the thing; you’re not YOU if “you” need that person to be “you”. So it did take me a while to realize that I never needed that person, especially if they could do something to hurt me that quickly based on not even their own thoughts, but thoughts of others. I am grateful for the new friends I made, they are not what make me, ME but what helps me understand ME.
Also, this qoute was taken from the video on the website, which was taken from the movie Rocky